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New members are very welcome at our club, but you don't have to be a member to experience the game of bowls. If you've never played and would like to try, please call 01353 665272 or email the club ( to arrange a time. You don't need any equipment, just wear flat bottomed shoes or trainers. We'll provide the bowls and the coaching to get you started. 



We have a variety of memberships for all ages or combinations, so you can participate in as much or as little as you want to suit you.  We have a variety of players from the very best in the World, to just players who play for fun.  You're very welcome on any level with us.  Normally Full Indoor is £35 and Outdoor is £47.50, but for £20 for your first season, what do you have to lose...  Please get in touch for more details.

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